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Your True Value

One of the biggest lesson that I had to learn about value is that it comes from God.

It isn’t dependent on what you do or don’t do, what you are or aren’t---it comes from God.

I wish I could give you an easy 3 step method to discovering your God-given value, but the truth is that it only comes from spending time with Him and in His Word.

It comes as the Holy Spirit shows you the things that are stealing your value.

The truth is that we all find our value in different places. You may find your value in being pretty, skinny, smart, sexy, funny, easy to get along with, or successful at your job. You may have been taught that it comes from a relationship or someone else’s approval.

Yet at the end of the day, none of these things actually make us feel valuable. They just keep us searching for significance and value. Ultimately, we become obsessed with the pursuit of these things because we need them to fill the void deep inside of our lives.

Yet what I have learned over the years is that the only thing that can end the obsessive race for self worth and fill the void that is screaming out in your life is a personal relationship with Jesus. A relationship that is more than just bedtime prayers and praying before dinner, but a relationship where you understand how deeply and passionately you are loved by God.

It's when you understand that you are valuable because God created you just the way you are

…you are valuable because He sent His son to die for your sins

….and you are valuable because He has a purpose and plan for your life

….that’s when you really start to find your identity.

Practically, how do you do that?

Spend time with Jesus and let Him heal the wounds in your heart.

Spend time in the Bible studying Who God is, how He feels about you, and Who You are in Him.

You see, the answer to the question “What Am I Worth?” is found in the Bible. As we read it, meditate on it, and allow God’s Word to answer this question, we will find that our true value and worth comes through being God’s Daughter.

As you trust your relationship with God enough to start allowing Him to deal with the issues in your heart and mind that are stealing your significance, bring them to the surface, heal them, and teach you how to overcome them, that’s when you’ll finally be able to conquer your own significance crisis and truly find your value in Jesus.

Your value is not tied to what you can do, what you can earn, what you can give someone else, how you look, how successful you are, or anything else that is “work” oriented.

The basic fact is you are valuable.

Not “because of” or “due to”. As a human being created in the image of God and loved by God, you are valuable.

You are loved.

God wants to heal you from whatever has stolen your self-worth from you and restore your sense of value to you.

Now the choice lies with you: Will you let Him?

Will you allow Him to remind you of painful things?

Will you let Him heal your heart? Will you spend time with Him and in His Word so that He can show you your true value?


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