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The Basic Facts About Wallets & Life

We were riding along in the car when my brother asked “Hey Des, would you mind going into Kohl’s and picking up the new wallet I ordered online?”

Because I'm an absolutely fabulous sister I said “Sure, but first I need to ask a question: How come you can find a wallet online just days after your wallet breaks and your dad has been looking for a new wallet for almost a year and swears there are no good ones?”

Then Jamie said, “Its simple. I'm willing to change.”

“I will accept that they don't make what I have anymore, and make the adjustment to try something new rather than complain and live with a broken wallet.”

As we continued to drive I thought “And that pretty much sums it up—about wallets and life.”

The truth is that too many people—-Christians included—-are stuck living with brokenness in their lives because they refuse to change and make lifestyle adjustments.

They aren't happy where they are—-they wish things were different—they just aren't willing to make the effort or go through the pain to actually experience healing and wholeness.

It's like the great theologian Michael Jordan said:

“Some people want it to happen, some wish it would happen, others make it happen.”

How does this apply to your life?

Well, what changes are you resisting that might move you into your Promised Land?

Perhaps you want a deeper relationship with Jesus but you aren't willing to change your schedule to commit to prayer and Bible study. (I know that one stung a little)

Maybe you want to overcome your identity issues, your eating disorder, or your anger management problem, but you're unwilling to commit to getting to the root of the problem or seeing a counselor. (Perhaps you're in counseling but you're just not doing what they say—not a good move).

Maybe you want a healthier relationship, but won't do the work it takes to rebuild.

Is it possible you dream of living debt free but won't commit to learning and living by God’s financial principles? Are you even tithing??? (Because as the Bible states, you can't rob God by refusing to tithe and expect Him to bless you. Malachi 4:6-18)

The list could go on and on but the truth is the same….nothing is going to change until you do.

Just like my dad and his broken wallet, you can choose to keep resisting change, remembering the good old days and wishing things would go your way while enduring the pain of your brokenness.

Or you can choose to make a change.

You can seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit, find out which direction He wants you to go, and then follow His lead even if and when it means embracing change.

Having been there done that many times, I promise you that as you begin to make lifestyle changes both you and your situation will change.

You can choose to leave your brokenness behind. You can embrace the new, choose healing, and begin a new path today.

It will involve change, but change could bring a better life.

Here’s another fact I know to be true:

In a few weeks, my Dad will discover my brother’s new wallet. After seeing that even though it’s different, it is functioning fine and my brother is happy with it, he will purchase THE EXACT SAME ONE.

Trust me, this is a prediction you could take to the bank.

The truth is that people who are resistant to change, are often willing to give it a try when they see the positive results it’s brought in another person’s life.

Here’s how it applies spiritually: When you take the chance and embrace change, you could be a positive influence on another person to make the same change and experience the same benefits. Your testimony could be what leads them to follow the Holy Spirit’s leading in their life.

That’s why it’s so important that we are willing to embrace the Holy Spirit’s call to lifestyle changes: because it isn’t just about us.

Yes, when we obey Him we will experience health and wholeness from our brokenness; but it doesn’t end there. Eventually, our healing will be the inspiration that encourages someone else to make the same changes and experience the same benefits.

I’ve seen it over and over again—the potential available when someone allows their greatest obstacle to become God’s greatest testimony.

But it all starts with the willingness to change. To admit there is a problem and begin taking steps to overcome.

When you say, “I’m tired of living with brokenness, I’m going to do what is necessary for a new life”, the possibilities are endless.

What’s keeping you from your Promised Land?

Let it go and begin your road to an abundant life today.

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