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Why Does This Hurt So Much?

Last Fall, my brother had incredible pain in his big toe. At first, the doctor thought it was a stress fracture. As it worsened, they thought he was fighting an infection and put him on antibiotics. Nothing helped. Finally, unable to bear the pain any longer, he went to a foot specialist who said, "There's a fluid-filled cyst in the toe." The only solution was to face the problem and undergo surgery to remove the cyst/tumor. Here's the thing: even though he had to stay off his foot for the next few weeks so that the wound would heal correctly, the intense pain in his toe went away when the tumor was removed. Often, the same thing is true in our lives. Daily, we walk around in pain, struggling with issues and attitudes, completely unaware of where the problem is coming from. Then the Holy Spirit, by God's grace and love, says, "The root of the problem is here…you need to go through the Biblical steps of Finding Healing to remove the issue causing the pain."

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