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No Season Is Perfect

Sometimes the best advice comes from those who are just a little more mature than us.

The other day I had the opportunity to sit down for some uninterrupted girl time with a special friend who is a little older than me. As we were sharing about what’s happening now in our lives and where we feel God’s leading us in the future, I expressed my frustration with some current health issues I’ve been battling and my ongoing question of “Why now?”

As I told my friend, I’ve waited years (maybe decades) for God to open the doors I’m currently walking through. Since I was a little girl I’ve dreamed of writing, traveling and speaking to women. Yet, in the middle of everything good God has given, I am caught in a daily battle of physical symptoms that need to be managed and often fought through. Quite honestly, there are days when I ask myself (and God) “Why is this happening? Why can’t I just enjoy this time without dealing with a physical issue??”

Even though my friend kindly listened and even shared some of the ways that she dealt with her own struggle with this physical issue, it was these words that changed the way I’m currently thinking about my situation.

“No season is perfect.”

Hmmmm. Take a moment and just let the wisdom of those words sink in.

“No season is perfect.”

I’ve been thinking about that phrase ever since I returned from her home, and realizing the absolute gold in that short sentence.

I’ve also been realizing that perhaps a large part of my frustration is that I’ve been expecting to come to a season in life where everything is perfect. I’ve been waiting for the “happily ever after” fairy tale and wondering why “ever after” always seems to be filled with one challenge after another.

Maybe the “happily” comes when we change our expectations and realize that “no season is perfect”.

Perhaps instead of waiting for everything to be perfectly aligned and in just the right place to be happy, we need to choose to enjoy and embrace the good, the bad, the up, the down, the beautiful and the messiness of every season of our lives knowing that each season has it’s own variety of perfection and chaos mixed together to form God’s plan for our lives. As we abandon the fairy tale that everything should be perfect, maybe that’s when we experience real joy, peace, contentment, and really begin to enjoy our lives.

I think I’m going to give it a try.

Instead of waiting for the “perfect moment”, I’ve going to accept that no season is perfect and enjoy this moment---just the way it is.

Enjoying every season---even if it isn’t perfect.

What about you?

Are you missing the joy of this season in your life as you focus on what’s missing, what’s wrong, or what could be better?

Do you find yourself waiting for everything to be perfect before you can be happy, or are you choosing to find happiness in each day?

Maybe, like me, my friend’s words of wisdom will inspire you to reevaluate your viewpoint and accept that no season in life is perfect---but each season contains some pretty amazing things that we can enjoy if we choose to embrace it.

No season is perfect.

Four little words that made a big impression on me.

I’m passing them on so they can do the same for you.

Have a great day!

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