Why read a book about "Finding Healing?"
Because the truth is that we’re all just a little bit broken.
We all have areas from our past, from choices we’ve made, or from circumstances that we’ve lived through that have caused us pain and heartache in our lives.
The good news is that we don’t have to stay trapped in our brokenness. Through the power of the Holy Spirit and practicing the Biblical principles of healing, each of us can experience victory, freedom, and the abundant life that Jesus has for us.
How do I know? Because I’ve experienced it in my own life.
In this book, I share my story of overcoming shame, lies, abuse, inferiority, and an addiction to perfection and discovering my significance, value, and purpose in Christ. But Finding Healing isn’t just my story…in each chapter, I share the lessons we learned along the way, and in the second half of the book, we discuss in depth how the Biblical principles of healing can be practically applied to every person’s life.
Finding Healing
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