Q & A Over the years, single women have gotten a reputation for being the Debbie Downer of Valentine’s Day. What are some practical steps each of us can take to turn that reputation around?
1. Choose to wear red.
Not just on Valentine’s Day, but even in the two weeks leading up to it, I try to wear red as much as possible to celebrate the season. I’ve found that over the years it doesn’t just send the message that it’s okay to celebrate Valentine’s Day around a single gal, but it makes me feel good about myself. Why shouldn’t we feel good about ourselves---we’re daughters of the king. We should walk tall and strut that we are godly women with a purpose.
2. Make smiling your favorite.
Okay, I know…wrong season. But it’s still a valid point. Rather, than walking around the whole first part of February looking like you’re in pain and depressed, choose to put on a smile. Laugh and enjoy yourself. Let your happy, joyful, beautiful self shine through and share your smile with the world.
3. Wish people a Happy Valentine’s Day
Don’t go through the season pretending that the holiday doesn’t exist. Instead, embrace it and wish the clerk at the grocery store, the teller at the bank, your friends, your co-workers, really anyone you come in contact with a Happy Valentine’s Day. Let people know that you’re celebrating life and love as a single gal. This is a great way to start.
4. Put some red flowers or chocolate candy hearts near your work station
Let it be known far and wide that people do not have to walk on eggshells around the single gal this Valentine’s Day. Instead, let them know that you’re okay by initiating the holiday. Honestly, who’s going to turn down a chocolate candy heart???
5. When a married friend tells you about her Valentine’s Day plans, be genuinely happy for her.
Even if you’re not genuinely happy, fake it as convincingly as possible. Choose to rejoice with those who rejoice and celebrate with those who are celebrating. Remember: someday you are going to be celebrating this holiday as a woman in a relationship and you’re going to want people to celebrate with you not rain on your parade. Treat others how the way you want to be treated in the future.
You see, ultimately ladies, it’s about choices. We can be the rain on someone else’s parade or we can be the sunshine in another person’s storm.
I decided long ago who I want to be. Now it’s your turn to decide.
I hope you’ll choose to be a blessing and let the strong, confident, amazing YOU shine through this Valentine’s Day and all year long!