"Don't You Just Love My...."
One of my friends has a little girl, under five years old, who picked up the phrase, “Don’t you just LOVE that?” It always melts my heart.

Three Life-Changing Easter Sundays
I was almost five years old when my Mom accepted Jesus as her Savior. Just a few weeks later, it was Easter, and she was so excited. She...

Wanna Come Play at Grandma's House? What A Toddler Taught Me
Not having my own children, I love spending time with other people’s kids. My closest friends know this and send me pictures of their...

The Nineties are Calling
One of my favorite things to do while Jamie and I ride in the car is listening to podcasts. (Since we spend so much time in the car, we...

Can You Believe He Said That?
“Can you believe He said that?” “Whoa. Hold the phone!” “Did He just say…” Everywhere Jesus went, His teaching left people asking...

Why Is the Virgin Birth So Important?
Summertime...my absolute favorite time of year. Goodbye coats and shoes...hello sandals and sundresses. Let's just take a moment and...

Who Is Jesus?
He was the ultimate hero. When He visited a community, He was instantly the talk of the town. His teaching and His miracles were...

How Can I Know More About God?
One of the verses that have stood out to me over the past few months is Daniel 11:32: “But the people who know their God will be strong...

All Roads Do Not Lead to Heaven--There Is Only One True God
One of the things that I love about my house is that it's in the country. Of course, it's also one of the things I hate about my home. ...

Why Did God Give Us The Bible?
Why did God give us the Bible? Believe it or not, it wasn’t so that you would have one more thing on your already full “to do” list. It...