Why I Don't Care if the Bachelor is a Virgin
It was New Year's Eve and I was cozy and warm inside in my pajamas. From my comfy couch, I watching people stand in the pouring rain in...

“If you love Jesus should you be having sex outside of marriage?”
The question was posed on Social Media by a very godly woman’s minister in an effort to start a discussion. Before long, the comments...

You Are the Picture
We were driving along in the car the other day when someone on the radio mentioned something about college graduations. Almost...

Every Little Detail
I hate making big decisions! (How’s that for an opening?!?). I know it’s part of being a mature adult, but the truth is that it’s...

How Will I Know He's "The One?"
The one. Does he exist? Does God have just one person for all of us? And if so, how will we recognize him? These are the questions that...

Finding Your Purpose
Don’t wait for the “big door” to open, but begin seeing the incredible mission field that is open to you every day…in your community….at you

Q & A Over the years, single women have gotten a reputation for being the Debbie Downer of Vale
Q & A Over the years, single women have gotten a reputation for being the Debbie Downer of Valentine’s Day. What are some practical...

There Is No Shame In Being Single
When it came to the topic of “Soaring as a Christian Single” one of the heaviest things that was holding me down was the intense shame feeli

You are 100% complete in Jesus Christ.
One of the biggest lies that I had to be delivered from was the concept that women are incomplete without a man.

Q & A Have I Completely Blown It?
It’s a sad question, but honestly, it’s a question too many women ask far too often. “Have I made too many mistakes? Have I blown God’s...