The other day I was listening to Jamie do an interview about how Mantour Ministries got started. As always, I had to cringe when he got to my part of our story. It always goes something like this:
And then after we knew for sure that it was God’s will my sister said, "You can only do three Mantours—if we fail that's all the money we can afford to lose”.
(Actually, it's all the money we had—and against my wishes, we did 5 Mantours that year.) Still, every time I hear this story I wish my part would have been different. I wish I would have been filled with more faith rather than sounding like doubting Thomas or Sarah who laughed when she was told she would have a baby. And yet, there is nothing I can do to change the past. This is what happened (and sadly, it wasn't the only time I responded this way.) However, what I realized listening to his interview, is that I can change my reaction in the future. And I want to. Let's make that I'm going to. So a few weeks ago when the Holy Spirit made it clear that He has another big leap of faith for us to take, I determined that this time I was not going to be the “Sarah" or “Thomas" in our story. Instead, this time I was going to jump on board right away, say “yes” and trust God to lead us where we truly believe He is guiding us to go. Yes, there is still the part of me that wants to organize everything, plan it all out, and research the best way to do everything. But this time, I'm using these character traits to advance God's purpose rather than thwart them with all of the reasons “we can't do this.” I'm forcing myself to change, to grow, to walk out on the water. Because even though I may not be able to change our history; I want to change my legacy.

After seeing God's faithfulness in the past, I don’t want to continue being the girl who says, “There’s no way He can do that" anymore. I am choosing to believe. I am choosing to get on board right away. I am choosing to change my character’s story line so that next time we have a story to tell, I’m more pleased with my portrayal.
Perhaps today as you're looking at your life, there are parts of your story that you wish were different, too.
Here's the good news: Even if you can't change the past, you can change your stories ending by the decisions you make today.
It isn't over yet.
You can still make changes, you can still be different, you can overcome and be the woman God designed you to be.
The choice is up to you.
Are you ready for a change?
Will you join me in saying that we are going to rewrite our story, give our characters a new plot line and be the heroines God designed us to be?
You can do it---we can do it.
Let's get started!