"Don't You Just Love My...."
One of my friends has a little girl, under five years old, who picked up the phrase, “Don’t you just LOVE that?” It always melts my heart.

Your Voice Matters
Your voice is powerful. God’s will is for His daughters to stand up for righteousness and be a light in a very dark world.

Nobody's Perfect...But Jesus
"Nobody's perfect...except Jesus." Have you ever heard that joke? Yeah, me, too, (Insert eye roll here) But have you ever really...

Why Is the Virgin Birth So Important?
Summertime...my absolute favorite time of year. Goodbye coats and shoes...hello sandals and sundresses. Let's just take a moment and...

The Big Lie About How to Solve Our Sin Problem
Over the past few weeks, we've been talking about lies that Christians believe regarding sin. This week, we're going to take a turn and...

The Big Lie About Sin
Years ago, I was watching an episode of "Everybody Loves Raymond." It was one of the later seasons, and Amy's very religious parents had...

A Big Fat Lie
A few days ago, I was waiting in line at CVS. Because the line was moving slowly, the father, with his preschool son behind me, decided...

Would You Like the Bad News or Good News first?
How do you answer when someone asks, "What do you want first: the good news or the bad news?" Personally, I always want the bad news...

God Is Love
A few months ago, one of my friends posted a video of her kids telling them what they had learned in Sunday School that morning. Always...

How Can I Know More About God?
One of the verses that have stood out to me over the past few months is Daniel 11:32: “But the people who know their God will be strong...