The Big Lie About Sin
Years ago, I was watching an episode of "Everybody Loves Raymond." It was one of the later seasons, and Amy's very religious parents had...

A Big Fat Lie
A few days ago, I was waiting in line at CVS. Because the line was moving slowly, the father, with his preschool son behind me, decided...

Would You Like the Bad News or Good News first?
How do you answer when someone asks, "What do you want first: the good news or the bad news?" Personally, I always want the bad news...

Why Is the Book of Genesis Important?
One of the disturbing trends of Progressive Christianity that has trickled over to mainstream Christianity is the idea that we only need...

Because of the Cross... We Live!
Every once in a while, I have the opportunity to share my testimony. Nowadays, I don't spend much time thinking about everything we...