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God Did Not Forget

A few weeks ago, I shared how finding out termites were chewing on my house ruined my perfect day. Thankfully, we caught it early enough that there was no damage to our house’s foundation. The only thing that really needs replacing is the front door. (Because the little devils chewed a hole in the frame.) A few months ago, we called our local contractor, picked a door, and waited for him to give us a price.

Then a few months passed, and we heard nothing. We started to wonder if maybe the contractor forgot. After all, it wasn’t a big job. Perhaps he forgot about us, and we should start looking for someone else. (Something I really didn’t want to do because the first guy is a fair, reliable contractor.) Still, if he forgot or didn’t want the job, maybe we’d have to look elsewhere.

Ironically, almost as if he had our back porch bugged, the night after Jamie and I had the “do you think he forgot” conversation, the contractor showed up at our door. It was early in the morning (like I was still in bed), but here he was, ready to start planning the door project.

He hadn’t forgotten.

He didn’t decide our job was unimportant.

It just wasn’t our turn on his schedule yet.

We didn’t need to look for other answers. We just needed to wait and remember that the contractor we’ve relied on and worked with for years would finish the job.

Later that day, as I was spending some time with Jesus, I began thinking about we sometimes view God the way I did my contractor.

When God doesn’t do things when we want them done…

…..when we feel like He’s taking too long….

….when things aren’t going the way we planned or even worse, they are going the way we absolutely didn’t want them to go….

We start to wonder if He forgot about us.

With everything going on in the world, is our issue or our problem just too unimportant?

Then, like Abraham and Sarah, we start wondering if maybe we should stop waiting on God and start taking things into our own hands. (Genesis 16)

I’ve been there.

While I wish I could say that these were thoughts I put behind me years ago, the truth is that the past 6-7 months have been dramatically difficult for Jamie and me. Even though the Mantours were amazing, personally, we’ve experienced some devastatingly difficult trials. While God has come through in many areas, the roller coaster ride of dramatic ups and downs has left me drained.

As we’re still walking through some difficulties, when I’m drained I find myself wondering, “Is God still in control? Did He forget about us?” along with a host of crazy, tired questions.

On the day the contractor finally showed up at the door, the Holy Spirit reminded me that just like the contractor did not forget, the Heavenly Father can never forget those who faithfully follow Him.

As I prayed, He reminded me of this Scripture:

“Can a mother forget the baby at her breast

    and have no compassion on the child she has borne?

Though she may forget,

    I will not forget you!

 See, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands;

    your walls are ever before me.”

Isaiah 49:15-16

Later, I read a friend’s blog that also contained the Scripture:

 “See, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands;

    your walls are ever before me.”

Even through all of the exhaustion, I got the message: God has not forgotten.

He can’t forget—my name is written in the palm of His hand.

Even if I don’t understand what is happening…

…Even if I don’t LIKE all that is happening…

…Even when panic and anxiety fill my heart and I start to wonder, “Perhaps I should start searching for an answer on my own”…

God still has a plan.

I need to trust wait….and to remember that He will do what He has always done.

He will come through in His way, in His time, and on His schedule.

Perhaps today, you can relate to my feelings.

You feel like God may have forgotten.

You wonder if He even has a plan or your current situation will be the rest of your life.

Maybe you feel hopeless.

As you read this, I pray that these words will refresh your spirit.

I hope you’ll remember that God has not forgotten.

He has a plan. He is still reliable. He is still dependable.

You are not insignificant. He isn’t too busy to get to you. Instead, your name is engraved in the palm of His hands. You are on His mind and His heart. No matter what it looks like at the moment, He has a plan, and you can trust Him.

He’s coming.

Do not fear. Don’t step out of His will for your life. Trust Him to be the same God He’s always been, and rest in that assurance.

He’s coming—-probably when you least expect it—-but He’s coming.

Adessa Holden is an ordained minister with the Assemblies of God specializing in Women's Ministry. Together with her brother, Jamie, they manage 4One Ministries and travel the East Coast speaking, holding conferences, and producing Men's and Women's resources that provide practical Biblical teaching for everyday life.

When asked about herself, she'll tell you "I'm a women's minister, a sister, and a daughter. I love to laugh and spend time with people. My favorite things are chocolate, the ocean, sandals and white capris, anything purple, summertime and riding in the car listening to music. It is my absolute honor and privilege to serve Jesus and women through this ministry.

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