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New Year, New Hope

As I look back through 2015, I can see where the LORD has helped me through my struggles, been with me in my victories and has given me hope for my future.

In all honesty, 2015 was not the most happiest year for me - I've gone through some difficulties and life hasn't been kind - nasty emails, friendships lost, dealing with some health issues. Still, in the midst of all that - I've been comforted by encouraging cards, laughed with loved ones, enjoyed sunsets, working in my garden, fireworks, seeing my grandchildren grow and accomplish new things, the joy in holding my kitty cat, and just spending time in God's Word and prayer.

I love that with God we always have hope.

Hope that we can trust HIM to work in our lives, hope that the Holy Spirit will remind us and teach us through the Word of God, and that hope in God will never disappoint us.

As we each anticipate what God may have for us in 2016; my prayer is that we will, "Be still and know that He is God."

That we will place our hopes, our dreams, our fears, our cares - in the hands of the Almighty God Who created us for His purpose!

Instead of making a New Year's resolution, I always ask the LORD what is to be my Scripture verse for the coming year and help me to apply it to all areas of my life & then go on a journey with the LORD! (Hopefully not kicking and screaming the whole way!!)

I love that God knows all about me and loves me anyways, that He is preparing me for all that He wants of me.

My friends, look to the LORD in 2016 and rest upon His promises for you!

Psalm 33:18 declares “The eyes of the LORD are on those who fear Him, on those whose hope is in His unfailing love.”

Let's keep looking up, let's keep sharing the love of God. Let's keep letting the Word grow and make a difference in our life!!

Have a prosperous 2016 as you journey with our Lord and Savior!! God loves you very much!!

Dorothy Jean Abbey is an ordained minister with the Assemblies of God who serves as the church administrator at Mill City Assembly of God. She also serves as a lay chaplain at a local hospital. She’s been married Pastor James Rugg for over 40 years and is the proud mother of three beautiful daughters, two wonderful son-in-laws and four precious grandchildren. She says, "I love the Lord with all my heart and I try to live for His glory, I love to encourage people in their walk with the LORD. I am thankful for God redeeming me and giving me new life in HIM!!"

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