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A Life-Changing Choice

“Choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve….. But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.”

Joshua 24:15

Growing up, my Mom hung a plaque that had this verse written on it on the archway leading to our living room. For her, it was more than just a decoration….it was her passion.

You see, when my Mom became a born again Christian when I was just 5 years old, she did more than just answer an altar call, say a sinner’s prayer and join a church. Instead, she made the choice that from that moment forward she would wholeheartedly, completely follow Jesus in every area of her life.

This choice affected how she spent her time as she dedicated hours to prayer and Bible study.

It changed her relationships as she chose to forgive those who hurt her, mend relationships that were broken, and do good to those who hurt her so that they would see Jesus and come to know Him.

Every area of her life was different as everything from activities to entertainment choices passed through the question of “What does God want?”

Of course, it changed her parenting as she determined that she would raise her children to have their own personal relationship with Jesus.

All of these choices had a positive influence on her life and the lives of our family. I’ve said many times that all of the good things, the health, the stability, and love that Jamie and I grew up with were because of her choices.

Yet, looking back on her life, I believe that one of the best choices she ever made---definitely one that had the biggest effect on our lives----was her choice to allow the Holy Spirit to do whatever was necessary to heal her heart and mind from the damage and pain of her past. Like Joshua, she chose that she was going to serve the Lord and put away the sins and idols of the past.

I remember her telling me that it wasn’t long after she was born again when the Holy Spirit began the process of healing her soul and setting her free. About 2 months after she got saved, the Holy Spirit started healing the memory of being sexually abused when she was a little girl. Until then, she had repressed the memory; however, it was still affecting her life.

She said she had no idea what was going on when the Holy Spirit began this process. However, a mature Christian woman came to her aid and explained to her that the Holy Spirit was simply healing a memory and setting her free. With the help of a sister in Christ, Mom was able to deal with the memory, forgive the man who committed this crime against her, and overcome this issue in her life.

Over the next few weeks, I remember Mom starting counseling and learning all of the Biblical principles necessary to experience healing and victory in her life. Throughout her life, this process continued as she continued to apply these principles to each memory or pain in her heart and experience healing.

This was just the beginning of the inner healings the Holy Spirit did inside of her. However, what I am most grateful for is my Mom’s attitude of “What do you want to deal with next, Holy Spirit?” Whenever she had one victory and experienced freedom in an area, she was even more determined to experience freedom in every area of her life. Because my Mom was willing to let the Holy Spirit work in every area of her life, she started a revolution in our family. She started a new legacy of living in freedom in Christ.

This testimony can be true for any woman who will surrender her life completely to God and say:

“Heavenly Father, change whatever You see needs changed inside of me. Heal me from any hurt, damage, pain, or lies that came from my past. Whatever You want to do in my life, have Your way.”

You see, all of us have things in our past that need to be healed.

Whether it comes from things that happened to us, tragedies we’ve experienced, or sins we’ve committed, we are all broken and damaged in some way and we all need to choose to allow the Holy Spirit to do His work of healing.

Personally, I have made this choice many times in my own life. Because even though my Mom made the choice to allow the Holy Spirit to heal and remake her, my Dad did not. In time, his problems caused damage to my heart that needed to be healed and overcome. Thankfully, I knew where to go for healing.

Having been raised in the process of choosing healing and walking through the steps to healing, I knew that time with Jesus, applying the principles of the Bible, talking, remembering, counseling, and forgiving were worth the effort. Even though the choice to embrace healing is never easy, it is always worth it.

It is our choice that leads to our own personal Promised Land---the life that God created and designed you to live and the purpose that He has for you to fulfill.

Today, just as Joshua challenged the children of Israel, I challenge you today: What will you choose?

Will you allow the Holy Spirit to have His way in your life and do whatever is necessary to bring about change and healing in your life?

Will you follow my Mom’s example and pray as I’ve done:

“Heavenly Father, change whatever You see needs changed inside of me. Heal me from any hurt, damage, pain, or lies that came from my past. Whatever You want to do in my life, have Your way.”

As someone who has prayed this prayer and made this choice, I can promise you that YOU WILL NEVER REGRET IT.

It’s the best choice you’ll ever make---for you and everyone in your household.

I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you;

I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh.

And I will put my Spirit in you and move you to follow my decrees and be careful to keep my laws.

Then you will live in the land I gave your ancestors; you will be my people, and I will be your God

Exodus 36:26-28

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