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Here's What I'm Praying

I’ve been trying to put words to what’s on my heart for a few days now, and I admit that it has been a struggle— not because I’m sad or depressed, because I’m not at all—I’ve just been trying to find the right words and tone. If you read my blog or followed me on Facebook, you know that throughout October I strongly encouraged praying for the nation and the upcoming election. Personally, I prayed, I repented for the sins of the nation, and I begged God for four more years of protection against religious persecution.

Because it’s been nice. Whatever his motives, President Trump stood as a wall against the liberal agenda and gave the church back many of the religious freedoms we were on the verge of losing. Speaking only for myself, I can say that this was my #1 focus in asking God for his re-election.

Then a funny thing happened on the way to Election Day: I started feeling the conviction of the Holy Spirit. It started when I broke my ironclad “do not argue on Facebook” rule because a friend insinuated they were voting Libertarian. I lost my temper and made a snarky comment. Over the next hour, the Holy Spirit convicted me for my bad behavior. I took down my comment and genuinely asked my friend to forgive me.

This was the start of my journey as the Holy Spirit showed me that I had allowed

politics to play too large a role in my life. It was affecting my attitudes and behavior.

I was filled with fear for the future.

I was angry with people who disagreed with me.

I was becoming irritable—even with Jamie—which is super rare. (Really, we don’t fight and if we do it means one of us is out of kilter either physically or spiritually.)

When election night came and went, I started asking God what was happening.

He didn’t tell me the future or who would win the election. Instead, the Holy Spirit showed me places I needed to repent.

I put my hope in a man instead of God.

I was letting fear control me.

I forgot that showing people God’s love is more important than winning their vote, and that God controls my future not the government.

So I’ve been repenting.

I’ve been allowing God to adjust my perspective.

I’ve been praying a new prayer with tremendous fervor: God please help me to follow You and represent You well no matter what happens next.

Because I’m not naive. I still believe everything I said: there is a battle waging for the soul of our nation. The spirit of Jezebel is still trying to take over homes, churches, and communities. There are still many who hate the church, hate the Bible, and don’t want Christian values having any place in our society.

I don’t know what the next four years will bring although I suspect they won’t be easy no matter who is in the White House. Honestly, I’m done worrying about who is in the White House.

My prayer is whatever happens, help me be strong enough to faithfully live as a follower of Jesus.

Whatever happens, help me have the boldness to speak Biblical truth.

Whatever happens, help me to stand against the lies of compromise and progressive Christianity.

Whatever happens, help me remember that my calling is to be a light in a dark world and win souls for Jesus.

Whatever happens, whatever it takes, help me have the strength, the courage, and the boldness to live each day as a radical follower of Jesus.

This is my prayer for me and the American church.

Going forward, I will still be praying for our country and it’s leaders—whoever they are. I’ll be praying for revival, the salvation of souls, and mass revival.

As I’ve ended so many posts over the past months, I’ll once again say “Will you join me?”

Adessa Holden is an ordained minister with the Assemblies of God specializing in Women's Ministry. Together with her brother, Jamie, they manage 4One Ministries and travel the East Coast speaking, holding conferences, and producing Men's and Women's resources that provide practical Biblical teaching for everyday life.

When asked about herself, she'll tell you "I'm a women's minister, a sister, and a daughter. I love to laugh and spend time with people. My favorite things are chocolate, the ocean, sandals and white capris, anything purple, summertime and riding in the car listening to music. It is my absolute honor and privilege to serve Jesus and women through this ministry.

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